Sunday, November 7, 2010

The symbiosis of beautiful simplicity and clarity

"I believe that my greatest labors should be devoted to seeking beautiful simplicity. I have avoided making displays of difficulty at the expense of clarity. Simplicty, naturalness, and truth are great principals of artistic manifestations."
This weekend marked a milestone that few will attempt, but those that do, respond with tremendous results.Through Crossfit Minnesota, close to 50 participants began a month long program sponsored by Whole 9.  This "Paleo" diet is restrictive at first, but quickly you learn, or rather re-learn about all the habits-both good and bad-that you have spent decades piling on.  Paleo/ Whole 30, quiet simply requires total dedication to no wheat, no dairy, no sugar, no processed fooods, and not  liquor.  One month. It is clear beyond a measure of a doubt that my results are both natural and exciting.

Beginning life at Children's Hospital in an incubator-like state because my lungs were underdeveloped, came down with pnemonia, which transcended into acute Asthma, and a life in hospitals while on a multitude of medications, this "Paleo 30 day challenge" was more then just going without...if I had not illiminated these particular food groups (NO WHEAT, DAIRY-INFLAMATORY), I may have never known that one or both groups may or may not have been causing harm to my lungs.  The small, but certain weight loss is simply an added bonus. 
I spoke with a nutritionist at the gym and she made mention that alot of Asthmatics have a dairy intolerence, yet dozens of doctors, and 1000's of doctor/hospital/ER visits, cannot come to this deduction. Instead, the answer was to put me on dozens of meds.  It is almost maddening.  And truly eye opening.

So, for the past month, I have been unmedicated, and loving life in a completely different light.  A light I have never known.  As I prepare for my journey to Africa, I am consciously aware of what it truly means to go without.  I will be submerged in a culture that knows no other, and I will work, laugh, and most certainly feel among them. This is where I expect the manifestation and symbiosis of beautful simplicity and clarity to appear.
A benevolent mind. 


  1. This is so cool! I think I might have to try it once I'm in better shape. I'm training for a 5 K in the spring then hopefully a tri at the end of summer. I need to drop around 40 lbs. Then I think I'd be ready to try something like crossfit.
    You look amazing and congrats for this cleansing process. Enjoy your trip to Africa.
